UPDATE: Online Quote App now accepts payment terms and more — 3D People UK

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UPDATE: Online Quote App now accepts payment terms and more

The collective goal is to streamline processes, enabling us to work smarter, not harder. As a design and engineering expert, you know this is the key to efficiency. That's why we're thrilled to announce an update to our 3D printing quote tool that does just that. We've made significant improvements that make it easier than ever to get quick quotes, manage, and place additive manufacturing orders. With this update, you'll save time and be able to focus on what you do best.

First off, we fixed some bugs, improved the price loading speeds and accuracy. There are now less failures and prices load 10% faster. We’ve made a series of small improvements such as to the ‘apply to all’ feature that allows you to apply the specifications of a selected file to the entire quote and has the option to apply the quantity too.

‘Apply to all’ now has the option to apply quantity to all parts as well at the material and finish

The more significant improvements come with the addition of new features

Trade accounts with NET30 day terms

Approved businesses can now place orders with NET30 payment terms by uploading a purchase order

We know that businesses and organisations often have to go through a specific process to pay for goods and services. That's why we've added the ability to pay via PO with NET30 terms. This feature makes it easy for you to use our service and still go through your usual purchasing process. To make it even more convenient for you, we have also implemented a tool that allows you to upload PDFs and add account payable details for easy tracking of orders and payments with your accounts department. Register for an account and apply for credit today!

Dynamic shipping options and lead times

Valid shipping options are dynamically displayed based on the shipping address, and the estimated delivery date is shown above

We know that shipping can be a big part of the equation, especially when you’ve got a looming deadline. That's why we've given you more options to choose from and included the shipping lead time on the main quote page. You can now view the estimated delivery date when adjusting your quote and selecting the shipping option.

Saved Addresses

Billing and shipping addresses are saved to your account and auto filled in the quotation process

A small but helpful update - You can now save your address in your 3D People account for it to autofill when you make a quotation. No more repeat typing of your address!

Quotes Editability

Easily edit and organise your quotes with the new toolbar on the quotation page

We've also made some great improvements to the quote editability feature. With this update, you can now name your quotes for easy organisation, copy quotes to make an editable duplicate, lock quotes to secure prices, and download quote PDFs. This will make it much more convenient for you to keep track of your quotes and make sure you have all the information you need when making decisions about your 3D printed designs.

All in all, we believe these changes will make getting quotes for your 3D printing designs an even better experience. We can't wait for you to try out these new features and see how they can help you out. As always, we're here to help if you have any questions or concerns, so don't hesitate to reach out to us.